ferrari history
No brand of cars in the world has caused so much bigotry as a Ferrari. A history rich in adventures, quarrels and problems. But it would be impossible to understand the history of the Prancing Horse brand if we understood first story of its creator: Enzo Ferrari. Il Commendatore was devoted to competitions since 1919, with cars modified several times by himself. Alfa Romeo saw its enormous potential and in 1929 hired him to prepare their cars. Thus began the history of Ferrari, a December 1, 1929: Alfa Romeo cars modified. Logo of FerrariEl
workshop was set up in the garage Gatti of Modena, but the demand led to the move to a building in Trento e Trieste street # 11 in the same city. Despite being a sports arm of Alfa, Ferrari soon reached its own personality, attracting legendary drivers as Nuvolari during the early 30's. But the superiority of German cars like Mercedes and Auto Union (under the auspices of the Nazi regime) forced Ferrari to give a change of course to your computer for more resources. In 1937 he had to sell 80% of the company Alfa Romeo. The breaking point between Ferrari and Alfa Romeo was from 1938, when the latter decided to form the "Alfa Corse", the new entity's sports brand, which now had all the mechanics who had Enzo, although it offered to lead them. With this, Ferrari Modena closed their factories and shipped to Milan to work on this new project, but short-lived: the serious disagreements with several of his new employers made Enzo Alfa definitely retire to their becoming independent, but a clause contract prevented Enzo Ferrari could use his surname to manufacture cars for the next four years. In this way, creates Auto Avio Costruzioni. Enzo's resentment towards Alfa Romeo was increased after the success of 158 (or the famous Alfetta), cars of their own creation.
workshop was set up in the garage Gatti of Modena, but the demand led to the move to a building in Trento e Trieste street # 11 in the same city. Despite being a sports arm of Alfa, Ferrari soon reached its own personality, attracting legendary drivers as Nuvolari during the early 30's. But the superiority of German cars like Mercedes and Auto Union (under the auspices of the Nazi regime) forced Ferrari to give a change of course to your computer for more resources. In 1937 he had to sell 80% of the company Alfa Romeo. The breaking point between Ferrari and Alfa Romeo was from 1938, when the latter decided to form the "Alfa Corse", the new entity's sports brand, which now had all the mechanics who had Enzo, although it offered to lead them. With this, Ferrari Modena closed their factories and shipped to Milan to work on this new project, but short-lived: the serious disagreements with several of his new employers made Enzo Alfa definitely retire to their becoming independent, but a clause contract prevented Enzo Ferrari could use his surname to manufacture cars for the next four years. In this way, creates Auto Avio Costruzioni. Enzo's resentment towards Alfa Romeo was increased after the success of 158 (or the famous Alfetta), cars of their own creation.
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